Now you find two song lyric of your favorite songs!
Answer the following questions!
1. What is the title of those songs?
2. Who is the singer?
3. Write the parts of the song lyric as the above example!
4. Why do you like those songs?
5. What do the songs tell about?
6. What kind of are they?
1. It is you
2. The singer is Ali Gatie
3. It's you, it's always you
If I'm ever gonna fall in love I know it's gon' be you
It's you, it's always you
Met a lot of people, but nobody feels like you
So, please, don't break my heart
Don't tear me apart
I know how it starts
Trust me, I've been broken before
Don't break me again
I am delicate
Please, don't break my heart
Trust me, I've been broken before
4. Because teaches us that love stories in the past that we have experienced, may make us sick and traumatized. But from the pain and trauma, we can learn to be able to find true love.
5. A person who has a love affair with a past love story where he was once hurt by someone. Until one day, he finally found his idol, who seemed different from others, who could treat his heart, which could heal his sense of trauma. Because of that woman, he was willing to sacrifice / risk getting scratched again, even though his heart was broken before, he seemed convinced that the woman was the right woman for him, a woman who could not hurt him like a past story.
6. This song is a pop song
1. Happiness
2. The singer is Rex Orange County
3. But will you still love me when nobody wants me around
When I turn eighty-one and forget things will you still be proud?
4. Because i want to apply the story in the song
5. A person who really likes his partner, making his dream as the center of happiness and the ultimate goal of happiness. He will be the person most liked by this person and be the only person who survives to the end. Although there are doubts, but he will still apologize sincerely as requested.
6. This song is a pop song.
Kamis, 16 April 2020
Rabu, 15 April 2020
Timun mas
Once upon a time there was a widow named mbok rondo, who was childless. Then after he prayed, he walked through the woods and met a giant and was given a golden cucumber seed. Giants will grant the Lord's prayer to bear children but will have to give it back to the giant when the child is a teenager. Yet bok rondo says it is. Soon the golden cucumber seed planted in the mbok rondo bears great fruit and is given the name cucumber.
After 17 years had passed so pleasantly, the giant returned to mbok rondo to fetch a cucumber. Even mbok rondo's heart couldn't bear the thought that her son would soon become a giant meal. He sent his son away with 4 guns, which the maps had left to destroy the giant.
One cucumber after another shot the weapon but the ogre can still get away. Next with the last weapon, a cucumber throws off an unused drum, which quickly turns into a mire and drowns a giant. Cucumbers are living happily with nbok rondo.
Jumat, 03 April 2020
Tugas ekonomi
*dampak covid-19 terhadap perekonomian dan solusinya *
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) telah menetapkan status keadaan darurat Covid-19 sampai 29 Mei 2020. Pada sisi lain dalam forum KTT Luar Biasa G-20 secara virtual, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengajak pemimpin G-20 untuk berperang melawan Covid-19 yang telah melanda ratusan negara serta pelemahan ekonomi akibat pandemi global ini.
Wabah penyakit Covid-19 ini menjadi sesuatu yang luar biasa tidak terlepas dari peran teknologi komunikasi. Tingkat persebaran informasi yang cepat menimbulkan kepanikan yang dahsyat di masyarakat. Implikasinya membuat perilaku masyarakat berubah. Kepanikan tersebut salah satunya mengakibatkan ketimpangan dari sisi keseimbangan permintaan dan penawaran.
Dampak dari terjadinya wabah Covid-19 ini bukan hanya sekadar penyakit yang mempengaruhi kesehatan, namun juga dampak secara ekonomi. Dalam kasus ini, ketika semakin banyak pekerja yang terinfeksi maka semakin banyak pula biaya untuk perawatan dan juga biaya produksi yang tertanggung.
Wacana lockdown dapat membuat laju perekonomian semakin berat layaknyna yang terjadi di negara Itali dan India. Tingkat konsumsi melemah yang mempengaruhi beberapa indikator penopang ekonomi. Pasokan bahan pangan dan kebutuhan yang menurun menyebabkan harga naik. Hal ini akan menimbulkan kelangkaan barang, yang akhirnya memicu keresahan sosial.
Menurut data penelitian, dibutuhkan sekitar 70%-80% dari populasi yang terinfeksi dan sembuh. Resiko terhadap kesehatan semakin tinggi dan secara ekonomi akan berpengaruh pada tingkat produktifitas serta biaya perawatan yang tinggi akibat banyaknya yang terdampak.
Beberapa solusi yang cocok dalam mengantisipasi situasi menghadapi wabah Covid-19 agar tidak membuat Indonesia benar-benar merana yaitu pertama, relokasi anggaran pada sektor kesehatan, pasokan pangan dan daya beli masyarakat. Kedua adalah stimulus pendanaan dalam rangka peningkatan produksi dalam negeri sektor pertanian. Solusi ketiga adalah relaksasi kredit sebagai stimulus fiskal untuk mendorong produksi pada sektor manufaktur dimana terdapat banyak lapangan pekerjaan. Keempat adalah dalam memberlakukan kebijakan jangka pendek, tetap harus memperhatikan kebijakan jangka panjang yang bersifat struktural. Dan solusi terakhir yang perlu dimaksimalkan adalah kebijakan moneter dan makro prudential melalui penurunan suku bunga dan menjaga stabilitas nilai tukar.
Karena China yang juga menutup hampir sebagian kotanya, maka perekonomian juga berpengaruh. China sebagai penguasa pasar saat ini juga memberikan pengaruh turunnya perdagangan terutama di Indonesia. Nilai ekspor bahkan turun drastis sebesar 12,07%. Ekspor migas dan nonmigas menjadi sektor yang paling banyak mengalami penurunan.
Adanya penurunan akibat lesunya perekonomian membuat pendapatan juga menjadi berkurang. Hal ini tentu sangat mengganggu keuangan dari usaha itu. Jika keadaan ini terus berlanjut maka bisa-bisa usaha itu bangkrut dan tutup. Dan tingkat kemiskinan pun akan meningkat jika memang itu yang terjadi.
Pemberian kebijakan untuk menangguhkan pembayaran cicilan tentu sangat membantu nasabah melewati wabah virus Corona yang menyebabkan lesunya dunia. Semoga pemberian kebijakan di dunia perbankan ini menjadi salah satu cara menanggulangi wabah virus Corona.
Penyebaran virus Corona yang telah meluas ke berbagai belahan dunia membawa dampak pada perekonomian dunia baik dari sisi perdagangan, investasi dan pariwisata.
Penerimaan pajak sektor perdagangan juga mengalami penurunan padahal perdagangan memiliki kontribusi kedua terbesar terhadap penerimaan pajak. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), ekspor migas dan non-migas mengalami penurunan yang disebabkan karena China merupakan importir minyak mentah terbesar. Selain itu, penyebaran virus Corona juga mengakibatkan penurunan produksi di China, padahal China menjadi pusat produksi barang dunia. Apabila China mengalami penurunan produksi maka global supply chain akan terganggu dan dapat mengganggu proses produksi yang membutuhkan bahan baku dari China. Indonesia juga sangat bergantung dengan bahan baku dari China terutama bahan baku plastik, bahan baku tekstil, part elektronik, komputer dan furnitur.
Virus Corona juga berdampak pada investasi karena masyarakat akan lebih berhati-hati saat membeli barang maupun berinvestasi. Virus Corona juga memengaruhi proyeksi pasar. Investor bisa menunda investasi karena ketidakjelasan supply chain atau akibat asumsi pasarnya berubah. Di bidang investasi, China merupakan salah satu negara yang menanamkan modal ke Indonesia. Pada 2019, realisasi investasi langsung dari China menenpati urutan ke dua setelah Singapura. Terdapat investasi di Sulawesi berkisar US $5 miliar yang masih dalam proses tetapi tertunda karena pegawai dari China yang terhambat datang ke Indonesia.
Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang memberlakukan larangan perjalanan ke dan dari China untuk mengurangi penyebaran virus Corona. Larangan ini menyebabkan sejumlah maskapai membatalkan penerbangannya dan beberapa maskapai terpaksa tetap beroperasi meskipun mayoritas bangku pesawatnya kosong demi memenuhi hak penumpang. Para konsumen banyak yang menunda pemesanan tiket liburannya karena semakin meluasnya penyebaran virus Corona. Keadaan ini menyebabkan pemerintah bertindak dengan memberikan diskon untuk para wisatawan dengan tujuan Denpasar, Batam, Bintan, Manado, Yogyakarta, Labuan Bajo, Belitung, Lombok, Danau Toba dan Malang. Di Eropa juga memberlakukan aturan dimana maskapai penerbangan harus menggunakan sekitar 80 persen slot penerbangan yang beroperasi ke luar benua Eropa agar tidak kehilangan slot ke maskapai pesaingnya. Bukan hanya di Indonesia yang membatasi perjalanan ke China, namun negara-negara yang lain seperti Italia, China, Singapura, Rusia, Australia dan negara lain juga memberlakukan hal yang sama.
Di sektor keuangan, penguatan sistem keuangan melalui implementasi agenda reformasi sektor keuangan dan pemanfaatan teknologi menjadi fokus para Menteri Keuangan dan Gubernur Bank Sentral negara-negara G20. Rencana Financial Stability Board (FSB), Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructure dan Standard Setting Bodies (SSBs) dalam menyusun peta jalan (roadmap) penguatan sistem pembayaran lintas negara disambut baik oleh G20. Gubernur Bank Indonesia menyampaikan dukungan Indonesia atas agenda Presidensi G20 Arab Saudi khususnya cross borde payments dan transisi LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate). (*)
Sabtu, 28 Maret 2020
Covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This virus quickly spreads and causes death.
The virus was first identified in the city of Wuhan, China in December 2019, then the virus spread throughout the country, one of which is Indonesia.
Because of this virus schools are closed for 3 weeks to avoid the many victims of this virus. Not only dismissing public schools is also encouraged not to leave the house and tourist attractions temporarily closed
At the beginning of the holidays, there were no teachers who gave assignments, but more and more teachers gave many school assignments, and did not go on schedule in school. Learning at home is more difficult than at school because if at school the teacher gives an assignment when the teacher's learning time and learning only starts at 07.00 - 13.45, if at home do not see the teacher's time and school hours.
Teachers give assignments that they want not according to school schedules and there are even those who give assignments on holidays. And studying at home is more boring because there are no chat buddies, and can't ask teachers or friends. And many lessons are given by the teacher but not understood by some students.
Besides doing school work, I also help with cleaning the house.
And we can also enjoy a lot of time with family. And do not be luoa every morning I sunbathe to get sunlight (vitamun D), and often wash my hands and avoid flu people and do not forget to wear a mask when going out there are interests such as taking things online, delivering online sales, and buying something.
Rabu, 18 Maret 2020
Mpu Purwa
The Mpu Purwa Archaeological Objects Rescuer of Malang treated the Mpu Sindok era inscription from 944 AD. This inscription tells the existence of the Tengger community.
This pentagon-shaped stone inscription has a length of 102 centimeters (cm), width of 22 cm, and height of 142.5 cm. This inscription was found by Blandit Hamlet, Wonorejo Village, Singosari, Malang Regency.
The contents of this inscription mentions the designation of a plot of land south of the Muncang Village market as a perdikan land. The produce of this perdikan land was used to build Prasada Kabhaktyan Siddhayoga. This is a sacred building for daily worship for Bhathara Sang Hyang Swayambhwa who lives in Walandit.
Walandit is now known as Hamlet Blandit. Its position is on the western slope of Mount Bromo. "This inscription has been read and studied by outsiders using special paper. We are still reading this inscription using flour, "said Mpu Purwa Museum staff member, Fitria Noverita, Thursday (7/22) in Malang.
Dwi Cahyono, an archeologist from Malang State University, stated that the story of the Tengger community could not be directly found in the Muncang Inscription without the help of several other inscriptions.
Several inscriptions supporting the Muncang Inscription include the Lingga Sutan Inscription. The contents of the 929 AD inscription set Lingga Sutan Village as the Rakriyan Hujung region and agricultural products there were offered to Bhathara I-Walandit. His worship is done once a year.
From these two inscriptions, there is a similarity between the Walandit or I-Walandit regions. Walandit is now a Blandit Hamlet. Information about Tengger is increasingly clear on the Pananjakan Inscription found in 1880 in the Penanjakan area, Pasuruan Regency. The inscription for the year 1405 mentions a prohibition on collecting taxes in the littoral or end of the month of Asada.
From the location of the discovery of this inscription, Dwi believes the story and origin of the Tengger-Bromo people were actually born from the south-western slopes of Mount Bromo now, namely the Regency of Malang. (HE)
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